APEK -Exposed (feat. April Bender) [APEK's VIP Mix]

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APEK -Exposed (feat. April Bender) [APEK's VIP Mix] was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 519 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

Exposed (feat. April Bender) [APEK's VIP Mix]






I'm the secret you wanna keep
You’re the best kind of hide and seek
Undercover we find release
We don't have to run away
Cause they'll never find us
So I’ll show you all of me
Every time we touch
When you hold me close
It feels like I'm bare to the bone
Nobody needs to know
You leave me completely exposed
Tell me you love what you see
And I'll let my armor lay down at your feet
Just when I need it the most
You leave me completely exposed
You leave me completely exposed
Keep stripping me down to my soul
You leave me completely exposed
When it all starts to weigh on me
Yeah your lips are my remedy
In the shadows we're finally free
We're free
We don't have to run away
Cause they'll never find us
So I'll show you all of me
Every time we touch
When you hold me close
It feels like I’m bare to the bone
Nobody needs to know
You leave me completely exposed
Tell me you love what you see
And I’ll let my armor lay down at your feet
Just when I need it the most
You leave me completely exposed
You leave me completely exposed
Keep stripping me down to my soul
You leave me completely exposed
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