Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos

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Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos was added to the Free2Music database on January 21, 2019. Published the day it was watched 720 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Enrique Iglesias



Lyrics Title





Latin Pop


Esta noche bailamos
Te doy toda mi vida
Quédate conmigo

Tonight we dance
I lay my life in your hands
We take the floor
Nothing is forbidden anymore

Don't let the world in outside
Don't let a moment go by
Nothing can stop us tonight!

Bailamos! Let the rhythm take you over
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío
Bailamos! Wanna live this night forever
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío, te quiero!

Tonight I'm yours
We can make it happen I'm so sure
Now I'm letting go
There is something I think you should know

I won't be leaving your side
We're gonna dance through the night
I'm gonna reach for the stars

Bailamos! Let the rhythm take you over
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío
Bailamos! Wanna live this night forever
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío, te quiero!

Tonight we dance
Like no tomorrow
If you will stay with me
Te quiero, mi amor
Quédate conmigo
Esta noche bailamos

Bailamos! Let the rhythm take you over
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío
Bailamos! Wanna live this night forever
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío

Bailamos! Let the rhythm take you over
(Como te quiero, como te quiero)
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío
(Como te quiero, como te quiero)
Bailamos! Wanna live this night forever
(Como te quiero, como te quiero)
Bailamos! Te quiero, amor mío, te quiero!
(Como te quiero, como te quiero)
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