K Camp - Cherish My Dawgs (WSHH Exclusive)

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K Camp - Cherish My Dawgs (WSHH Exclusive) was added to the Free2Music database on February 14, 2019. Published the day it was watched 770 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




K Camp


RARE Sound

Lyrics Title

Cherish My Dawgs




Hip-Hop Rap


Ever had your back up against the wall
Young niggas just tryna eat
Hell yeah niggas gotta cherish my dawgs

Lost too many to the streets
Jumped got a Porsche and I hop in the Ferrar (Skr) beep beep!
Gimme that bag I'ma show you how to ball
So me

Ever had your back up against the wall
Young niggas just tryna eat
Hell yeah niggas gotta cherish my dawgs
Lost too many to the streets
Jumped got a Porsche and I hop in the Ferrar (Skr) beep beep!
Gimme that sack I'ma show you how to ball
So me
She gon' pick up every time I call (So me)
Climb on top, just sit on this log (Ooowee)(Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
Her pussy get wet every time I ball, truly
Think I'm the shit fucked up the whole stall, ooh me

I cannot make this shit up lean look into my eyes
I told myself I won't turn on my guys
Trade out my guys, when I'm alone I just look to the sky
Cherish my baby I know she a prize (cherish my baby)
I know she a prize
You be seein' my ice, I want the money it ain't no surprise

Ever had your back up against the wall
Young niggas just tryna eat
Hell yeah niggas gotta cherish my dawgs
Lost too many to the streets
Jumped got a Porsche and I hop in the Ferrar (Skr) beep beep!
Gimme that bag I'ma show you how to ball
So me
Ever had your back up against the wall
Young niggas just tryna eat
Hell yeah niggas gotta cherish my dawgs
Lost too many to the streets (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
Jumped got a Porsche and I hop in the Ferrar (Skr) beep beep!
Gimme that sack I'ma show you how to ball
So me

If he ain't with gang I ain't even tryna change (foreal)
A bitch play with it she gon' get embarrassed
Say congratulations need money got murdered (big bills)
Any real nigga ain't playin' 'bout his karat, don't get killed
I'm out here drinkin' and sippin' it slow
If she ain't fuckin' the bitch gotta go
I need the addy creator control
Send me the addy he send me the low
My finger is froze, these niggas is hoes

Behind doors they just wanna see you fucked up
Oh look at me I done lucked up

Ever had your back up against the wall
Young niggas just tryna eat
Hell yeah niggas gotta cherish my dawgs
Lost too many to the streets (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
Jumped got a Porsche and I hop in the Ferrar (Skr) beep beep!
Gimme that bag I'ma show you how to ball
So me
Ever had your back up against the wall
Young niggas just tryna eat
Hell yeah niggas gotta cherish my dawgs
Lost too many to the streets (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
Jumped got a Porsche and I hop in the Ferrar (Skr) beep beep!
Gimme that sack I'ma show you how to ball
So me
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