NBA Youngboy - Valuable Pain

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NBA Youngboy - Valuable Pain was added to the Free2Music database on February 10, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,196 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




YoungBoy Never Broke Again



Lyrics Title

Valuable Pain




Hip-Hop Rap


Ayy, ayy, how you bangin' back there?
(Say it, I'm in the studio right now, tell 'em what it is)
Yeah, yeah, oh, oh
Slime, yeah, slime

I'ma say I'm sorry for all of the shit that I had did
And I'm thankful for that shit that you had done while we was kids
Been puttin' my soul up in this music and I'm hopin' that you hear it
I'm steady screamin' 4K Trey, I'm tryna split a nigga wig
All these bitches tellin' lies, but if you know me, don't think twice
Instead of doin' what's wrong, lil' bitch, you do what's right
I feel like fuck livin' disguised
I showed my wrong, don't hide my right
You saw me down, you tryna show off for the hype
(Hey, don't do that lame ass shit)
I fuck with you, but you don't fuck with me
But somehow we still find a way to text each other 'fore we go to sleep
I don't know shit about no Jodeci
But you gon' suck me to his music while I sit back, think, and smoke my weed
These killers 'round me, they look up to me
I got them bodies, I won't say no names, I hope it don't catch up to me
You really mad that you can't fuck with me
You X'd me out, you ain't have to fuck with me
Nigga, why you came to fuck with me?

Told you that I'd do anything for you
I just don't know what they want
And I wasn't frontin' when I told you I love you
Girl, you the only one that I want
These niggas be cappin'
We pull up slangin' that static
Don't do no talkin', have your shit together when we come
I got too many brothers that done died by the gun
I murder from the heart, so you can say what you want

They say she fucked with that nigga, I wish I caught her
Smokin' on this Cherry Pie, fuckin' your favorite athlete daughter
They say that nigga that been trippin', put that bitch in order
I just came through swervin', nigga, in a Hellcat Charger
Jigga was swervin' behind me, turn up in a Benz
Studio session, go in
Tell 'em lil' niggas I said for them not to walk in
Up with the Glock, let off ten
Poppin' them bottles of lean with Instagram models, stayin' at the Drury Inn
I know she don't drink, she said that she drink, I let her just sip what she can
I say, "Lil' Ben, you hear them talkin'?" He say "Uh-uh"
I hit the gas and then we turn up on they ass
Ran up my money, and they hear it when I talk now
Them bitches know it's over with, they in my past
'Cause you left ice on my heart
And I could say that ho wasn't wrong, you wasn't right from the start
I wish you could exchange my time for that watch that I bought
Really was tryna make you mine, I don't know what I had thought

Told you that I'd do anything for you
I just don't know what they want
And I wasn't frontin' when I told you I love you
Girl, you the only one that I want
These niggas be cappin'
We pull up slangin' that static
Don't do no talkin', have your shit together when we come
I got too many brothers that done died by the gun
I murder from the heart, so you can say what you want
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