Little Mix - Told You So (Audio)

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Music Detail

Little Mix - Told You So (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 27, 2019. Published the day it was watched 891 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Little Mix


LM5 (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

Told You So






Be honest
How are you feeling, girlfriend?
Have you been crying again?

Just give it some time, breath out
See I'm happy that boy was just playing pretend
We said it, you wouldn't listen
But finally you found out

That he's never gonna love you like we do, hmm
But please, he's never gonna find no one like you

Girl, just come round mine tonight
I've got wine and make-up wipes
I'll hold you, I'll hold you
We can put the kettle on, talk 'bout how he's not the one
I told you
But I'm never gonna say I told you so

Be honest
His best friend was hotter than him
His jokes were just lacking content
But darling, you're better than
Someone who lies and cheats to set the scene
It's every week and every single club we've been in
He's with another girl again

Now you know he's never gonna love you like we do
Please, he's never gonna find no one like you, oh, no, no, whoa

Girl, just come round mine tonight
I've got wine and make-up wipes
I'll hold you (I'll hold you), I'll hold you (I'll hold you)
We can put the kettle on, talk 'bout how he's not the one
I told you
But I'm never gonna say I told you so

I'm never gonna say I told you
I'm never gonna say I told you so
I'm never gonna say I warned you
But I'm just so glad that you know, that you know, that you know

Girl, just come round mine tonight
I've got wine and make-up wipes
I'll hold you (I'll hold you), I'll hold you (I'll hold you)
We can put the kettle on, talk 'bout how he's not the one
I told you (I told you)
But I'm never gonna say I told you so

Just come round mine tonight
I've got wine and make-up wipes
I'll hold you (I'll hold you), I'll hold you (I'll hold you)
We can put the kettle on, talk 'bout how he's not the one
I told you (I told you)
But I'm never gonna say I told you so
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