Little Mix - Love a Girl Right (Audio)

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Little Mix - Love a Girl Right (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 26, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,031 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Little Mix


LM5 (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

Love a Girl Right






Oh, that boy so scandalous
Yeah, he broke my girl's heart
And he was on to the next

He was cheating on the low, in the club all night
Never seen my girl so messed up, yeah (Yeah)
Out with his boys in the hip-hop spots
She all alone wondering if he's comin' home or not
For the whole damn year, I was wiping up her tears
He was livin' la vida loca

You know I'll been watching you
'Cause she the baddest thing to ever happen to ya
And that's the truth
Don't make me have to hurt ya
'Cause I know right now we're cool
But If I ever hear your mess this up
I'm comin' after you

So don't you treat her wrong
Yeah, you better love a girl right, baby
'Cause you 'bout to lose her love
Said I, yeah, you better love a girl right
Oh, right, yeah
'Cause you 'bout to lose her love, yeah

Dan-da-ran, dan-dan
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan
You better love a girl right

I'll be there for my girl always
She mean the whole world to me
All she want is your loyalty, yeah (Oh, no, no)
She want better, she don't want another
'Nother mistake
You better not risk it
'Cause in my eyes all I'm seeing is a queen
If you do her wrong, best believe
She'll be livin' la vida loca

You know I'll been watching you (Ayy, ayy)
'Cause she's the baddest thing to ever happen to ya
And that's the truth
Don't make me have to hurt ya
'Cause I know right now we're cool (Right now we're cool)
But If I ever hear your mess this up
I'm comin' after you

So don't you treat her wrong
Yeah, you better love a girl right, baby
'Cause you 'bout to lose her love
Said I, yeah, you better love a girl right
Oh, right, yeah
'Cause you 'bout to lose her love

Oh, oh, love her right
Oh, oh, she'll be gone tonight
Oh, oh, I don't wanna fight
One more chance, gimme one more try?
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan (Hey, yeah)
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan (No, oh-woah)
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan (Eh, you, oh-woah)

So don't you treat her wrong (Dan-da-ran, dan-dan)
Yeah, you better love a girl right,
Baby (Dan-da-ran, dan-dan, ayy, ayy)
'Cause you 'bout to lose her love (Dan-da-ran, dan-dan)
Said I, yeah, you better love a girl right
Oh, right, yeah
'Cause you 'bout to lose her love

Dan-da-ran, dan-dan
(You better love her, no, no, no)
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan
(You better love her, no, no, no)
Dan-da-ran, dan-dan
(Better love her right, no, no, no)
No, no, no
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