KYLE - Fruit Snacks (Prod. Beni Haze)

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KYLE - Fruit Snacks (Prod. Beni Haze) was added to the Free2Music database on December 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 767 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

Fruit Snacks




R&B Hip-Hop Soul


Yo shit
You and yo you and yo shit
You and yo girl, come fuck with me and my clique

No one can fuck with my steez
Have your bitch all on my dick
Chill with my dudes
All of my niggas ain't cute
But all of my niggas is rich
Really? Yeah!
Me and my team is the realest
And we never learn the word quit

Yo, yo
Fruit snacks & cups of patron
Don't really smoke
Bitches be sniffin' that snow
Girlies in reindeer gear
Dancing for silver & gold (sliver & gold)

Aight, Aight
Niggas is not in my sight
No, not in my fuckin zone
Sorry for comin' off rude
I just want niggas to know
Ya know?, Cool
Niggas be hittin' my phone
Tellin' me they 'bout to blow
Y'all like them project lights
None of y'all niggas is on
What?, Woah

Fruit snacks and cups of Patron
Don't really smoke
Bitches be sniffing that snow
Girlies in reindeer gear
Dancing for silver and gold (sliver & gold)
Yo, yo, Fruit snacks and cups of Patron
Don't really smoke
Bitches be sniffing that snow
Girlies in reindeer gear
Dancing for silver and gold (sliver & gold)

Someday, we'll all be encased in silver & gold ohhh (in golddd ohhh)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Someday, we'll all be encased in gold ohhh, ohhhh

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