Mark Adam - Pimples (Lyrics Video)

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Mark Adam - Pimples (Lyrics Video) was added to the Free2Music database on January 28, 2019. Published the day it was watched 665 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Mark Adam

Lyrics Title







Ever since we've met
I just don't seem to get
Enough if I can't see you

My smile becomes a frown
When you're not around
When you're not around

I'm always counting days
Pimples growing all over my face
I just can't sleep at night
I wanna hold you tight
But you're not around
But you're not around
I would give everything I have
Just to catch your little smile
And hoping that someday you'll see
There's no one else who cares for you like me
Di du da di du
Is all that I can do
You make me feel so crazy
I wanna have you baby
Can you come around
Oh baby please come around
I would give everything I have
Just to see you for a while
And hoping that someday you'll see
There's no one else who cares for you like me
Di du da di du
Is all that I can do
You make me feel so crazy
I wanna have you baby
Can you come around
Oh baby please come around
Oh baby please come around
Oh baby please come around.
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