Meghan Trainor - I’m a Lady (from SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE) (Audio)

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Meghan Trainor - I’m a Lady (from SMURFS: THE LOST VILLAGE) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 31, 2019. Published the day it was watched 924 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Meghan Trainor

Lyrics Title







I talk with a mouth full (uh-huh)
But I couldn't be sweeter
Yep, I'm a cutie in my own way
I won't play, follow the leader

And I don't look like them
(But I ain't worried about it)
I don't talk like them
(But I ain't worried about it)
But I know I'm a gem
I ain't worried about it, I ain't worried about it
'Cause I'm a lady

'Cause I'm a lady
Come on! I'm a, I'm a lady

All my girls, show them you're a lady
Tell the world, say that you're proud to be a lady

I know I laugh too loud
And I might cry too much
To all those judgy eyes
I got a whole lotta love

And I don't move like them
(But I ain't worried about it)
I don't move like them
(But I ain't worried about it)
I know I'm a gem
I ain't worried about it
I ain't worried about it
'Cause I'm a lady

'Cause I'm a lady
Yeah, I'mma, I'm a lady
All my girls, show them you're a lady
Tell the world, say that you're proud to be a lady
All my girls, show them you're a lady
Tell the world, say that you're proud to be a lady

And I'm pretty, pretty cute and I'm pretty smart
And when I break it down, it's a work of art
And if you feel the same, can you participate?
I wanna see you shake, I wanna hear you say
And I'm pretty, pretty cute and I'm pretty smart
And when I break it down, it's a work of art
And if you feel the same, can you participate?
I wanna see you shake, I wanna hear you say

And I don't look like them
I don't talk like them
But I know I'm a gem
I ain't worried about it, I ain't worried about it
'Cause I'm a lady
And I don't move like them
(But I ain't worried about it)
I don't move like them
(But I ain't worried about it)
I know I'm a gem
I ain't worried about it, I ain't worried about it
'Cause I'm a lady

(Yeah) 'cause I'm a lady
(Hey yeah, hey yeah)
I'mma, I'mma lady
All my girls, show them you're a lady
Tell the world, say that you're proud to be a lady
All my girls, show them you're a lady
Tell the world, say that you're proud to be a lady
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