Little Mix - Touch (Live on the Honda Stage at iHeartRadio)

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Little Mix - Touch (Live on the Honda Stage at iHeartRadio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 27, 2019. Published the day it was watched 874 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Little Mix


Glory Days (Deluxe Concert Film Edition)

Lyrics Title







You and I and nobody else
Feeling feelings I've never felt
The way you got me under your spell

Don't you keep it all to yourself

So won't you take it?
I feel like for the first time I am not faking
Fingers on my buttons and now you're playing
Master of anticipation, don't you keep it all to yourself

Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet all week
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet, all week
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, oh

Photograph with no T-shirt on
Why you making me wait so long?
(Wait so long)
I promise to keep this a secret, I'll never tell
But don't you keep it all to yourself

So won't you take it?
I feel like for the first time I am not faking
Fingers on my buttons and now you're playing
Master of anticipation, don't you keep it all to yourself
(To yourself)

Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet all week
Just a touch of your love, oh (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love, oh (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your love, oh (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love, oh (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet all week
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, hey

And now my whole week, my whole week is golden
Can you see me glowing? That's how I feel
And I'm not afraid to fade into emotions
'Cause I know that this could be something real

Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet all week
Just a touch of your love, oh
Just a touch of your love, oh (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your love, oh (Only a touch of your love)
Just a touch of your love, oh (Want a touch of your)
Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet, all week
Just a touch of your love (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love (Just a touch)
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your love, hey!
Just a touch of your love, hey!
Just a touch of your love
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