Music Detail

Bebe Rexha - Mine was added to the Free2Music database on January 23, 2019. Published the day it was watched 761 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Bebe Rexha



Lyrics Title







Turn a boy into a man in just one night
Now you wanna be my lover
Like you've never seen in color

Yeah, I get off when I see that you're in pain
Want that high top or the mountain
Dipping in the holy fountain

You don't want love unless it's mine
Now you want it all the time
Yeah, you want me all out your mind

You don't want love unless it's mine
It don't feel right unless it's mine
24 hours, on your mind
Now you want it all the time
You don't want love unless it's mine
It don't feel right unless it's mine
24 hours, on your mind
Now you want it all the time
You don't want love unless it's

Look at you, looking up, down on your knees
Treading in the sacred waters
Waiting 'til the high gets stronger
Yeah, yeah
I'll keep you begging, begging, ooh
I'm your fetish, ooh
Come and get it, ooh

You don't want love unless it's mine
Now you want it all the time
Yeah, you want me all on your mind

You don't want love unless it's mine
It don't feel right unless it's mine
24 hours, on your mind
Now you want it all the time
You don't want love unless it's mine
It don't feel right unless it's mine
24 hours, on your mind
Now you want it all the time
You don't want love unless it's mine

I'll keep you begging, begging, ooh
I'm your fetish, ooh
Come and get it, ooh

You don't want love unless it's mine
It don't feel right unless it's mine
24 hours, on your mind
Now you want it all the time
You don't want love unless it's mine
It don't feel right unless it's mine
24 hours, on your mind
Now you want it all the time
You don't want love unless it's mine
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