Bebe Rexha - Shining Star

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Bebe Rexha - Shining Star was added to the Free2Music database on December 22, 2018. Published the day it was watched 532 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Bebe Rexha



Lyrics Title

Shining Star






She was a bad girl, he was a good boy
She played with fire while he played inside the rain
She gets so selfish and he was selfless
He played by books, she never liked to play it safe

But he fell in love with her fucked up ways
With her drunken days, yeah, he still stayed
Yeah, he fell in love with her twisted dreams
And all in between, and he'd still sing

Baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are
Baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are

Head underwater, no one could save her
She played with hell, she held her breath, she liked the pain
Her world was crumbling, but she did nothing
She numbed herself so she would never feel a thing

But he fell in love with her fucked up ways
With her drunken days, yeah, he still stayed
Yeah, he fell in love with her twisted dreams
And all in between, and he'd still sing

Baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are
Baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are

You know you'll always be my baby
Don't cry
You know your crazy doesn't phase me
Don't lie
'Cause baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are
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