Lil Pump - Youngest Flexer ft. Gucci Mane

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Lil Pump - Youngest Flexer ft. Gucci Mane was added to the Free2Music database on November 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 861 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Pump Ft. Gucci Mane

Lyrics Title

Youngest Flexer (Original Version)






Ooh, Lil Pump, ooh, Lil Pump
Yeah, yeah, brr, yuh, yuh
Know we smoke a lot of gas on this side
Ooh, Big Head on the beat

I just bought 3 thousand dollar Gucci pants (Gucci pants)
I just left the trap, and I'm off the Xans (and I'm off the Xans)
Bitch, I'm high as fuck, I feel like Superman (what, what?)
I'm the biggest flexer, you know who I am (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm the youngest flexer (what), I'm the youngest flexer (ooh)
I'm the youngest flexer (yeah), I'm the youngest flexer
I'm the youngest flexer, I'm the youngest flexer (ooh)
I'm the youngest flexer (ooh), I'm the youngest flexer

I'm the youngest flexer, Louis on my dresser
Put her on a stretcher, all these bitches acting extra (extra)
I just bought a Uzi (Uzi), my bitch dress in Gucci (brr)
Put a Xan in smoothie, I don't watch no movies (I don't)
I go to the bank, take out thirty thangs (brr)
Forty diamond chains, sixty bricks, I make it rain (huh)
And I'm eating Wingstop, posted in the trap (in the trap, what?)
Lil Pump, don't know how to act (damn)

I just bought 3 thousand dollar Gucci pants (Gucci pants)
I just left the trap, and I'm off the Xans (and I'm off the Xans)
Bitch, I'm high as fuck, I feel like Superman (what, what?)
I'm the biggest flexer, you know who I am (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm the youngest flexer (what), I'm the youngest flexer (ooh)
I'm the youngest flexer (yeah), I'm the youngest flexer
I'm the youngest flexer, I'm the youngest flexer (ooh)
I'm the youngest flexer (ooh), I'm the youngest flexer

Somebody please tell me where my money machine at
My money dirty, I'm tryna think of ways I can clean that
I spent at least 3 million dollars just on the pieces
These haters think they can keep up, man, they can't believe it
Gucci got a six-pack, they can't believe it
But hey, lil bitch, here's three stacks, let's have a threesome
I wanna own it outright, don't wanna lease it
He wanna be Guwop so bad that he talkin' greasy
She wanna be with Wop so bad that she fuck the DJ
That bitch should prolly' ride a bicycle on the freeway
Three years ago, I stacked my paper the long way
Now I'm stacking million dollar checks up the grown way

I just bought 3 thousand dollar Gucci pants (Gucci pants)
I just left the trap, and I'm off the Xans (and I'm off the Xans)
Bitch, I'm high as fuck, I feel like Superman (what, what?)
I'm the biggest flexer, you know who I am (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm the youngest flexer (what), I'm the youngest flexer (ooh)
I'm the youngest flexer (yeah), I'm the youngest flexer
I'm the youngest flexer, I'm the youngest flexer (ooh)
I'm the youngest flexer (ooh), I'm the youngest flexe
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