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Mariah Carey - Caution (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 592 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Mariah Carey



Lyrics Title







Never too late, you can come through
I'll be up waiting
I don't want nobody but you

No hesitating
'Cause every time you leave I fall apart
Boy you're the missing pieces of my heart

And I try to let you go but you resist and pull me back
And I try to be alone but you persist
I've met my match

Proceed with caution, don't be dishonest
I need you closer to love me harder
Proceed with caution, face to face
And touch me in a different kind of way

Proceed with caution, but don't make me wait
Before too long it just might fade away
Proceed with caution, caution, caution, caution, caution

Never get enough gimme your touch
Don't wanna waste time
You lift me up, give me that rush
Tell me it's all mine
I'll give up everything to be right where you are
I'll follow you from here like you're the northern star

And I try to let you go but you resist and pull me back
And I try to be alone but you persist, I've met my match

Proceed with caution, don't be dishonest
I need you closer to love me harder
Proceed with caution, face to face
And touch me in a different kind of way

Proceed with caution, but don't make me wait
Before too long it just might fade away
Proceed with caution, caution, caution, caution, caution

Do you want more material possessions? Ain't nothing
Do you want more?
Can you commit to be my everything?
Do you want more?
Baby convince me with the words you sing
If you wanna be more to me, you must proceed with caution
Caution, caution, caution
Caution, caution, caution
Caution, caution, yeah
Proceed with caution

Proceed with caution, don't be dishonest (Don't be dishonest)
I need you closer to love me harder (I need)
Proceed with caution, face to face (Proceed with caution)
And touch me in a different kind of way (A different kind if way)
Proceed with caution, don't be dishonest (Don't be dishonest)
I need you closer to love me harder (I need)
Proceed with caution, face to face
And touch me in a different kind of way (Touch me, touch me)
Proceed with caution, but don't make me wait
Before too long it just might fade away
Proceed with caution, caution, caution, caution
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