Darlene Zschech & HopeUC - The Table (Live Video)

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Darlene Zschech & HopeUC - The Table (Live Video) was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 616 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Darlene Zschech & HopeUC


The Table: A Christmas Worship Gathering

Lyrics Title

The Table




Christmas: Religious


No palace worthy of our King
Too many walls to keep Him in
But a mansion worthy of this Son
Was a stable that said, "Welcome"

A journey on a starry night
The wisest ones followed the light
They gathered 'round the Holy One
Who was born to love and lead us home

Hark the herald angels sing
Hear the sound and enter in
There's a place reserved, just come
'Cause Jesus eats with everyone

A child who is the King of Kings
Who made a way of grace for sin
Our humble Saviour gave it all
So we'd be seated with the Lord

Hark the herald angels sing
Hear the sound and enter in
There's a place reserved, just come
'Cause Jesus eats with everyone

Oh, hear the whisper of His heart
The goodness of our saving God
It doesn't matter what we've done
'Cause Jesus eats with everyone

When we're gathered

We gather at the table, the table of the Lord
Come one, come all, come as you are
We gather at the table, the table of the Lord
Just seek and you will find Him, come as you are
We gather at the table, the table of the Lord
Come one, come all, come as you are
We gather at the table, the table of the Lord
Just seek and you will find Him, come as you are

Hear the whisper of His heart
The goodness of our saving God
It doesn't matter what we've done
'Cause Jesus eats with everyone
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