Soul Survivor LIVE Feat. Tom Smith | Jesus I Love You (Lyric Video)

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Soul Survivor LIVE Feat. Tom Smith | Jesus I Love You (Lyric Video) was added to the Free2Music database on November 27, 2018. Published the day it was watched 689 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Soul Survivor


The Promise (Live)

Lyrics Title

Jesus I Love You (feat. Tom Smith)






Oh, what a Saviour
My King forever
There on the cross, You gave Your life
And paid my price

Oh, God Almighty
Such grace surrounds me
Your mercy fought upon that tree
And died for me

Jesus, I love You
Every breath within me sings, "I love You"
Always and forever I will love You
You're all my heart adores
You're all my heart adores

Oh, mighty Father
My great Redeemer
You are my strength, You are my song
You lead me on

Jesus, I love You
Every breath within me sings, "I love You"
Always and forever I will love You
You're all my heart adores
Jesus, I love You
Every breath within me sings, "I love You"
Always and forever I will love You
You're all my heart adores
You're all my heart adores

I pour out my heart, I lay down my life
God, I give my all to You
You wiped all my sin, and You welcomed me in
Now my soul will sing to You
I pour out my heart, I lay down my life
God, I give my all to You
You wiped all my sin, and You welcomed me in
Now my soul will sing to You

Jesus, I love You
Every breath within me sings, "I love You"
Always and forever I will love You
You're all my heart adores
Jesus, I love You
Every breath within me sings, "I love You"
Always and forever I will love You
You're all my heart adores
You're all my heart adores
You're all my heart adores, Jesus
You're all my heart adores

I pour out my heart, I lay down my life
God, I give my all to You
You wiped all my sin, and You welcomed me in
Now my soul will sing to You

Jesus, I love You
Every breath within me sings, "I love You"
Always and forever I will love You
You're all my heart adores
You're all my heart adores
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