Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)

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Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) was added to the Free2Music database on February 09, 2019. Published the day it was watched 798 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Backstreet Boys


Backstreet Boys

Lyrics Title

Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)






Baby, oh

Even in my heart, I see
You're not being true to me
Deep within my soul, I feel
Nothing's like it used to be

Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby

Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart (with my heart)
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should have known from the start
You know you have got to stop (from my heart)
You are tearing us apart (my heart, my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart

I live my life the way
To keep you coming back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can't see

Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
You better

Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart (with my heart)
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should have known from the start
You know you have got to stop (from my heart)
You are tearing us apart (my heart, my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart
Quit playing games

Baby, baby the love that we had was so strong
Don't leave me hanging here forever
Oh baby, baby this is not alright, let's stop this tonight
Baby, oh
Quit playing games
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na na, baby
Na na na na na na

Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby

Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart (with my heart)
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should have known from the start
You know you have got to stop (from my heart)
You are tearing us apart (my heart, my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart

Quit playing games with my heart
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na, baby
Na na na na na na
Quit playing games with my heart, my heart, with my heart, my heart
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na, baby
Na na na na na na
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