Miss Montreal - Addicted To Crying

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Miss Montreal - Addicted To Crying was added to the Free2Music database on February 12, 2019. Published the day it was watched 636 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Miss Montreal


Miss Montreal (Bonus Track Version)

Lyrics Title

Addicted to Crying






I've been addicted to crying these days
I never thought it would happen to me
The long road went good, until last month
It seems to me that nobody stays

Everyone loses but I always win
They lay down beside me to say

Can you deal with this problem, that takes all your time
And I wanna cry
To think, how did you get there, people just die
And I wanna cry

Seeing the usual of everything
Exept when I know that you're here
I feel a presence, I hate to know you're here
So that is why I live day by day

Everyone loses but I always win
They lay down beside me to say

Can you deal with this problem, that takes all your time
And I wanna cry
To think, how did you get there, people just die
And I wanna cry
And I wanna cry

I'm waiting for you to tell you I need you
I'm waiting for you to tell you I need you
I need you nowadays

I've been addicted to crying these days
I never thought it would happen to me
The long road went good, until last month
It seems to me that nobody stays
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