Miss Montreal - This Is My Life

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Miss Montreal - This Is My Life was added to the Free2Music database on January 16, 2019. Published the day it was watched 688 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Miss Montreal

Lyrics Title

This Is My Life






I know I want you I know I need you now
I'm fed up, fed up with you
If you don't feel that I know I'll leave you now

So wake up, wake up

I am dedicated to my work
You pay the bill

This is my life
It's easy
I wanna go when you're right here
This is my life
It's easy
Please let me go

Ta ta ta do, ta da do, ta ta ta do, ta da, ta da do 2x

I need to move this I need to groove this now
I'm fed up, fed up with you
It's now or never This is the time to show
I can do without you

I am dedicated to my work
You pay the bill

This is my life
It's easy
I wanna go when you're right here
This is my life
It's easy
Please let me go

Ta ta ta do, ta da do, ta ta ta do, ta da, ta da do 2x

My time is short so I have to give it all I can (All I can)
With or without you

Ta ta ta do, ta da do, ta ta ta do, ta da, ta da do 2x

This is my life
It's easy
I wanna go when you're right here
This is my life
It's easy
Please let me go go go go go

This is my life
It's easy
I wanna go when you're right here
This is my life
It's easy

ta da ta da do
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