Adam Jensen - I Can Hold a Grudge Like Nobody's Business

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Music Detail

Adam Jensen - I Can Hold a Grudge Like Nobody's Business was added to the Free2Music database on January 11, 2019. Published the day it was watched 767 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Adam Jensen

Lyrics Title

I Can Hold a Grudge Like Nobody's Business






Welcome to the wasteland
Just another broken man
Tangled in the words that I cannot say

Living just to say goodbye
Save me from myself, this ride
Can you see the words written on my face?

You got me actin' like the old me
But you don't even know me

Can I get a witness?
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business
Seein' double vision
Show me what you got and I'll show what you're missing
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business (Business)

Think I'm going crazy
Standin' in a crowded street
Peaceful in the eye of a hurricane
Cigarettes and sadness, a little bit of madness
Mixing with the chemicals in my brain

You got me actin' like the old me
But you don't even know me

Can I get a witness?
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business
Seein' double vision
Show me what you got and I'll show what you're missing
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business

Can I get a witness?
Can I get a witness?
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business

Can I get a witness?
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business
Seein' double vision
Show me what you got and I'll show what you're missing
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business
Can I get a witness?
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business
Seein' double vision
Show me what you got and I'll show what you're missing
'Cause I can hold a grudge like nobody's business
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