Tijuana Panthers - Car Crash

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Tijuana Panthers - Car Crash was added to the Free2Music database on November 23, 2018. Published the day it was watched 707 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tijuana Panthers


Wayne Interest

Lyrics Title

Car Crash






We were dressed at the night
You were wearing that sweet perfume that you stole from your mother's room
I put a flower in your hair
Working past your flawless stare
I opened the door for you
I put the pedal to the floor
We were off, to forever
I adjust another way
We knew we had a lot a day
Our hearts still beat as one in this dream
I put the top down
The night was winding down
I was anxious to see your hair blowing in the wind
Girl, it ain’t no sin
We passed by the twinkling city lights
I got lost in your beautiful blue eyes
I knew at that moment, this will be forever
I adjust another way
We knew we had a lot a day
Our hearts still beat as one in this dream
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