Music Detail

Gucci Mane - By Myself was added to the Free2Music database on January 19, 2019. Published the day it was watched 637 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Gucci Mane


Evil Genius

Lyrics Title

By Myself




Hip-Hop Rap


Marii Beatz, turn me up!


Lately, I've been hangin' by myself
Fuck 'em all, don't need nobody else (Fuck 'em, my dude)
Fuck 'em all, mane, throw 'em in the gutter, mane
I never trust 'em anyway, I killed their brother, mane (Rassclaat)
The plug, he keep on bringin' in the mouth (My dude)
I robbed him 'cause he treat me like the help (Rassclaat)
I put that on my son and my mother, mane
My brother fronted me, but now I front my brother, mane

I'm sellin' dope 'cause dope don't sell itself
My hood full of steppers, gotta watch your steps
Tornado wrist, my right arm is a hurricane
My jeweler call me Noah's Ark, I'm floodin' everything
I'm standin' in the section by myself (It's Gucci)
I feel like Meech, a one-man BMF (Free Meech)
I'm from East Atlanta, niggas sell you anything (Bouldercrest)
And I'm a genius, bitch, so I can't go for anything (Wop)

Lately, I've been hangin' by myself
Fuck 'em all, don't need nobody else (Fuck 'em, my dude)
Fuck 'em all, mane, throw 'em in the gutter, mane
I never trust 'em anyway, I killed their brother, mane (Rassclaat)
The plug, he keep on bringin' in the mouth (My dude)
I robbed him 'cause he treat me like the help (Rassclaat)
I put that on my son and my mother, mane
My brother fronted me, but now I front my brother, mane

They threw me in the dungeon by myself
So lately, I don't need nobody else
Man, fuck 'em, man, them fuckers, man, they traitors, mane
I never liked him anyway, he been a hater, mane
Without a gun, without a diamond or a gem (No)
Feel like a boxer, I was trainin' in a gym (Box)
The federal penitentiary, I really hated, mane (Fuck 'em)
This shit'll make you go insane, I seen some crazy things (Free Chain)
Lately, I've been hangin' by myself (Free Pop)
I feel like I don't need nobody else (Free Twon)
In Alabama, man, I did some crazy things (Wop)
I had to rob some folks,
them folks was playin' crazy games (It's Gucci)

Lately, I've been hangin' by myself
Fuck 'em all, don't need nobody else (Fuck 'em, my dude)
Fuck 'em all, mane, throw 'em in the gutter, mane
I never trust 'em anyway, I killed their brother, mane (Rassclaat)
The plug, he keep on bringin' in the mouth (My dude)
I robbed him 'cause he treat me like the help (Rassclaat)
I put that on my son and my mother, mane
My brother fronted me, but now I front my brother, mane
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