TraxX (트랙스) - ESCAPE

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TraxX (트랙스) - ESCAPE was added to the Free2Music database on February 15, 2019. Published the day it was watched 683 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Every day and night
It's a hustle for somethin' from nothin'
Cause there ain't no time for stoppin'

And all the pressure never ends

Been in the race
Day after day
Tryna belong
But I'm ready if you're
Ready to face
Runnin' a lil' bit more

All this time we just been livin' in the dark
We can get away and make a brand new start

No one else needs to know
No one else needs to get a say in how we livin'
We just doin' what we want
So I say

Stuck inside this city maze
Need to find a way
Leave it all behi-ind
Escape it ride ride

Try and fill the emptiness
See how far we get
Leave it in the rearview
We don't need to be trippin'

Stuck inside this city maze
Need to find a way
Leave it all behind
Escape it ride

Stuck inside this city maze
Need to find a way
Leave it all behind
Escape it ride

Wonderin' how we
Were livin' so blindly
Maybe we're all just scared of being alone

It could be better
If we only just let it
So pack your bags we gon' be hittin' the road

Make it count
Make it last
Close your eyes feel the wind on your face
Even if we're returnin' again
It's a feelin' you'll never forget

Stuck inside this city maze
Need to find a way
Leave it all behi-ind
Let's take a ride ride

Try and fill the emptiness
See how far we get
Cause we done our waiting
It's time to go escape it

Stuck inside this city maze
Need to find a way
Leave it all behind
Escape it ride

Stuck inside this city maze
Need to find a way
Leave it all behind
Escape it ride
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