Ciara - Got Me Good

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Music Detail

Ciara - Got Me Good was added to the Free2Music database on February 04, 2019. Published the day it was watched 692 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

Got Me Good






My back is aching, my bra too tight
My hip's shaking from left to right
My back is aching, my bra too tight

My booty's shaking from the left to the right

My back is aching, I'm so in love
Baby, all I know is you got me good
It's been too long, baby, too long
It's time to start a new game

Game, a new game
It's been too long, baby, too long
Let's play before it's too late
Late, it's too late
Put your hands on my, ah
Baby, touch me like that
Make my body, boom zoom

When you touch me like that
Touch me like that
When you touch me like that
Make my body boom, boom

Baby, touch me like that
Nobody can make me feel make me feel so right
Nobody but you
Nobody can make me feel, like dancing all night

Nobody but you
You got it, yeah, you know you got me good
Yeah, you got it, yeah, you know you got me good, yeah
Nobody can make me feel like you do, baby

You got me good
My back is aching, my bra too tight
My booty's shaking from the left to the right

My back is aching, I'm so in love
Baby, all I know is you got me good
I want, baby, I want you with me
For a long time, time, a long time
So gone, yeah, we're so gone
We going till the sunrise
Rise, the sunrise

Put your hands on my, ah
Baby, touch me like that
Make my body boom, zoom
When you touch me like that

Touch me like that
When you touch me like that
Make my body boom, boom
Baby, touch me like that

Nobody can make me feel, make me feel so right
Nobody but you
Nobody can make me feel like dancing all night
Nobody but you

You got it, yeah, you know you got me good
Yeah, you got it, yeah, you know you got me good, yeah
Nobody can make me feel like you do, baby
You got me good

My back is aching, my bra too tight
My booty's shaking from the left to the right
My back is aching, I'm so in love
Baby, all I know is you got me good

You got me good
You, you, you got me good
You got me good
You, you, you got me good

All night, baby, all night, baby, all night
All night, baby, baby, love me, love me all night
All night, baby, all night, baby, all night
All night, baby, baby, love me, love me all night
Nobody can make me feel, make me feel so right
Nobody but you
Nobody can make me feel like dancing all night
Nobody but you
You got it, yeah, you know you got me good
Yeah, you got it, yeah, you know you got me good, yeah
Nobody can make me feel like you do, baby
You got me good
My back is aching, my bra too tight
My booty's shaking from the left to the right
My back is aching, I'm so in love
Baby, all I know is you got me good
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