Music Detail

Janelle Monáe - So Afraid was added to the Free2Music database on December 27, 2018. Published the day it was watched 698 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Janelle Monáe


Dirty Computer

Lyrics Title

So Afraid




R&B Soul


All the kids run around playing free and fun
While the dogs lap around the can
Falling down, climbing trees, swimming in the river

No life jacket on their backs
Daughters sharpen their knives and they hunt for food
Others watch their children grow
Mothers going to work and they shake the hands
Of a corporate tycoon's ghost

And I'm afraid
Ah, I'm so afraid
Ah, what if I lose?
Is what I think to myself
I'm fine in my shell
I'm afraid of it all
Afraid of loving you

I'm a gift and a curse to the wilderness
When the leaves only turn to brown
The birds fly high and they wink at all
Of the grandmothers on the ground
Rain pours down in the village dens
My cousins fetch for lunch
While I sit in my room writing letters to my church
And things and such

'Cause I'm afraid
Ah, I'm so afraid
Ah, what if I lose?
Is what I think to myself
I'm fine in my shell
I'm afraid of it all
Afraid of loving you

Cousins all in the creek,
Riding high, ride with zeal,
And the rain pours down, ghetto dancing, yeah

I'm so afraid
Ah, I'm so afraid
Ah, what if I lose?
Is what I think to myself
I'm fine in my shell
I'm afraid of it all, afraid of loving you
I'm afraid, afraid of loving you

Cousins all in the creek,
Riding high, ride with zeal,
And the rain pours down, ghetto dancing, yeah
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