ONE OK ROCK - Stand Out Fit In

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ONE OK ROCK - Stand Out Fit In was added to the Free2Music database on December 31, 2018. Published the day it was watched 624 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Eye of the Storm

Lyrics Title

Stand Out Fit In






I know they don't like me that much
Guess that I don't dress how they want
I just wanna be myself, I can't be someone else

Try to color inside their lines
Try to live a life by design
I just wanna be myself, I can't be someone else (someone else)

They yell, they preach
I've heard it all before
Be this, be that
I've heard it before
Heard it before

Big boys don't cry
Shoot low, aim high
Eat up, stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you, dress right
White face, tan skin
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in

Lately it's been too much all day
Words shot like a cannon at me
I just wanna be myself, I can't be someone else (someone else)

They yell, they preach
I've heard it all before
Be this, be that
I've heard it before
Heard it before

Big boys don't cry
Shoot low, aim high
Eat up, stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you, dress right
White face, tan skin
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in

I am who I am
No matter what
Never changing
No matter what
No matter what

Big boys don't cry
Shoot low, aim high
Eat up, stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you, dress right
White face, tan skin
Stand out fit in

Big boys don't cry
Shoot low, aim high
Eat up, stay thin
Stand out fit in
Good girls don't fight
Be you, dress right
White face, tan skin
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
Stand out fit in
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