Rolly Rocket - Savage World (feat. Shenwalker)

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Rolly Rocket - Savage World (feat. Shenwalker) was added to the Free2Music database on December 30, 2018. Published the day it was watched 636 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Rolly Rocket

Lyrics Title

Savage World (feat. Shenwalker)






I let you down when I let you go (oho) 
And now the night won't end as the sun is dead in the cold 
I promised you I will get you out of here 
you know that it’s not a lie when we disappear 

Oh I’ll find you 
I’ll tear this city down just to find you 
Find you 
No one could ever hold me back from the things I'd do 
To find you 
My heart is burning ablaze just to find you 
I’ll find you 
I’ll free you from this savage world 

My bones may break and my skin may bruise 
But I can take the pain so that I can be with you 
I promised you I will get you out of here 
You know that it’s not a lie when we disappear 

Oh I’ll find you 
I’ll tear this city down just to find you 
Find you 
No one could ever hold me back from the things I'd do 
To find you 
To find you 
I’ll free you from this savage world
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