Heard By Eyes - Miracle (CHVRCHES Cover) | Punk Goes Pop

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Music Detail

Heard By Eyes - Miracle (CHVRCHES Cover) | Punk Goes Pop was added to the Free2Music database on January 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 582 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Heard by Eyes

Lyrics Title







Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies
Careful what you wish for
We're looking for angels in the darkest of skies
Saying that we wanted more
I feel like I'm falling, but I'm trying to fly
Where does all the good go?
We're looking for answers in the highest of highs
But will we ever, ever know?

And I need you to know, I'm not asking for a miracle
But if love is enough, could you let it show?
If you feel it could you let me know?
(Oh, ohh) If you feel it could you let me know?
(Oh, ohh) I'm not asking for a miracle

Ask for forever when the end is in sight
Showing what you want to
We're looking for light inside an ocean of night
But will we ever see it through?

And I need you to know, I'm not asking for a miracle
But if love is enough, could you let it show?
If you feel it could you let me know?
(Oh, ohh) If you feel it could you let me know?
(Oh, ohh) I'm not asking for a miracle

Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies
I'm not asking for a miracle
We're looking for angels in the darkest of skies
I'm not asking for a miracle (I'm not asking for a miracle)
(I'm not asking for a miracle)

I'm not asking for a miracle
If you feel it could you let me know?

Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies
I'm not asking for a miracle
We're looking for angels in the darkest of skies
I'm not asking for a miracle (I'm not asking for a miracle)
(I'm not asking for a miracle)

Ask me no questions, I will tell you no lies
I'm not asking for a miracle
We're looking for angels in the darkest of skies
I'm not asking for a miracle (I'm not asking for a miracle)
(I'm not asking for a miracle)
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