The A.K.A.s - Shout Out Loud

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Music Detail

The A.K.A.s - Shout Out Loud was added to the Free2Music database on January 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 555 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The A.K.A.s

Lyrics Title

Shout Out Loud






Don't it smell like shit on the streets of New York City?
Can you see through the smog in the skies of Hollywood?
All around the world... all the people gonna shout out loud.

All around the world... all the people gonna shout out loud.
Raise your hands, unrest is your best friend.
Stand up, open your mouth.
Gonna start a revolution.
Raise your hands, unrest is your best friend.
Stand up, open your mouth and shout out loud.
The sun don't shine through the clouds in the skies of London.
Some walls have yet to fall across the city of Berlin.
Can you see the red lights glow in Amsterdam?
Everywhere I go, nothing's changed except the goddamn names.
Shout out loud.
Don't it smell like shit on the streets of New York City?
Can you see through the smog in the skies of Hollywood?
Do you know the way the wind blows in Chicago?
Everywhere I go, nothing's changed except the goddamn names.
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