B.LOU "Gucci Snakes" (WSHH Exclusive )

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Music Detail

B.LOU "Gucci Snakes" (WSHH Exclusive ) was added to the Free2Music database on November 26, 2018. Published the day it was watched 773 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




B. Lou

Lyrics Title

Gucci Snakes




Hip-Hop Rap


Sometimes it get no better
Gucci snakes around my collar
Tre on the beat, yeah

Gucci snakes around me, sometimes it don't get no better (No better)
Never looked back, always stayed on my stride
This shit forever, I won't tell a lie (Won't tell a)
If there be a beat you know we gon' ride
Stayed on my grind, never need half time
Price of the shoes cost the price of your rent
You wanna drip but can't drip like this (Too much)
I plead the 5th 'cause I don't know nothin' else
Look at the waist, double G is the belt (Double G is the belt)
Gave you my love but you changed over time
Never could trust without too many lies

And you know I'm from the bottom, I be thuggin' for real (Thuggin')
All this money and all this jewelry, give a fuck how you feel
I'm chasin' the duffle so don't wake up
I need the money so go and pay up
Stayed in my lane and I never changed up
And I ain't wastin' no more time, I go and get it, yeah, yeah
For my city, yeah, yeah
And I ain't wastin' no more time, I go and get it, yeah, yeah
(Go get it)
All this drip not at a store, you can't find it
Ice like a sun, you look, it might blind you
I'm on a plane and it's back to the money
I got too much, it won't fit in my wallet
On other levels, nobody can stop me (Nobody can stop me)
This shit is all on a rich nigga timin'
I cannot wait 'cause I stay on attack
You cannot get me, you know I stay strapped
When I laid up, will I relax?
I spend it all, I make it back
Up at the stores when i'm rollin' Maybach
Five hunnid racks, that's really no cap (That's really no)
Really know the plug with the bricks for the low
Really blow the bag on just one fit
I ain't never goin' back to where I ain't had shit
Havin' chicken on the stove, I be cookin' it (Ohh)
Fully unloaded, nigga I be goin' in

Gucci snakes around me, sometimes it don't get no better
Never looked back, always stayed on my stride
This shit forever, I won't tell a lie (Ooo)
If there be a beat you know we gon' ride
Stayed on my grind, never need half time (Slatt)
Price of the shoes cost the price of your rent
You wanna drip but can't drip like this
I plead the 5th 'cause I don't know nothin' else
Look at the waist, double G is the belt (Double G is the belt)
Gave you my love but you changed over time
Never could trust without too many lies

Too many lies
Never could trust without too many lies
Gave you my love but you changed over time
Never could trust without too many lies

I be smokin' strong like Hercules
Fuck wit' the team, nigga it's a murder scene, uh
They don't want beef, just like a vegan
You talk no money, I'm speakin' no English
Don't need no change no more, you can just keep it
No Victoria but you are my secret
Nobody out there can beat how I beat it
You down to ride, I know you ain't leavin'
I got all this money, now look how I'm cheesin'
Finna just go and just droptop the beach
I am alone, I don't need no friends
We run it up, and we run again
Chasin' the guwop, run it up the Benz, yeah the Benz
I am so hot, you might need a fan
Always on top, B.Lou be the man

Gucci snakes around me, sometimes it don't get no better (No better)
Never looked back, always stayed on my stride
This shit forever, I won't tell a lie (Won't tell a)
If there be a beat you know we gon' ride
Stayed on my grind, never need half time
Price of the shoes cost the price of your rent
You wanna drip but can't drip like this
I plead the 5th 'cause I don't know nothin' else
Look at the waist, double G is the belt
Gave you my love but you changed over time
Never could trust without too many lies

Never, never could trust without too many lies
Gave you my love but you changed over time
Never could trust without too many lies
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