Crush - Lay Your Head On Me

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Crush - Lay Your Head On Me was added to the Free2Music database on December 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 722 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

Lay Your Head On Me




R&B Soul


I see you hurt, I see you sufferin'
You're not alone, in case you're wondering
Oh you can come to me
And lay your head on me

Can see your lost, I see you strugglin'
Can't even tell your friends from your enemies
But you can come to me
And lay your head on me

Oh When you say you've given up
When you say you had enough
I'm thinking bout you always
I'm thinking bout you always

When the more you love, the more you lose
The more I'm there for you
I'm thinking bout you always
I'm thinking bout you always

So lay your head on me
So lay your head on me

And all the ones you thought would stick around
I mean the ones you really cared about
Tell me do they say
Lay your head on me

And I know when days are dark and you drown in everything
And I know you try to numb cause' you don't wanna' feel a thing
You know you can
Lay your head on me

Oh When you say you've given up
When you say you had enough
I'm thinking bout you always
I'm thinking bout you always

When the more you love, the more you lose
The more I'm there for you
I'm thinking bout you always
I'm thinking bout you always

So lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
So lay your head on me
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