Jhené Aiko - Wading (Visual) (Uncut)

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Jhené Aiko - Wading (Visual) (Uncut) was added to the Free2Music database on December 01, 2018. Published the day it was watched 834 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Jhené Aiko


Souled Out (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title





Pop R&B Soul


Picture me rolling
Out in the open, baby I know
That you would notice

You have been hoping I wouldn't go

Should I be waiting?
Should I be waiting for you?
Don't keep me wading
I will turn blue

Picture me rolling
Out in the open
With some other man I know
Thought you would notice
And you were hoping
Feelings wouldn't start to grow

While I was wading
While I was wading
Wading for you
I have been waiting
I will be waiting
Till I turn blue

I am not perfect
I would never let
You think I was more than this
As good as it gets
I'll have one regret
You're something I cannot miss

I will be wading
I will be wading
For you
I will be wading
I will be wading
Till I turn blue

I am not perfect
I would never let
You think I was more than this
As good as it gets
I'll have one regret
You're something I cannot miss

I will be wading
I will be wading
Wading for you
I will be waiting
I will be waiting
Till I turn blue

Till I, Till I, Till I...
Till I turn blue

And I will do it
I'll do it
I'll prove it
I've proved it
I've proven my love
Baby don't do it
Don't do it
Don't ruin
What you in
And you did, my love

And I will do it
I'll do it
I'll prove it
I've proved it
I've proven my love
Baby don't do it
Don't do it
Don't ruin
What you in
And you did, my love
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