Music Detail

Alison Wonderland - Awake (KRANE Remix / Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 12, 2018. Published the day it was watched 798 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alison Wonderland


Awake (The Remixes)

Lyrics Title

Awake (KRANE Remix)






I was alone, I was a fool
Looking at YouTube
Thinking I knew you
Picked up my phone, nothing to lose
All of a sudden it's kinda blue

I get it, I messed up, you pushed it, I fell off
You'll always be better in your own eyes
I get it, I messed up, you pushed it, I fell off
You'll always be better in your own eyes

Goodbye my friend
It's been too long
I know you've been away
Too much was said
Too much was done
And now I'm wide awake
Awake, awake, awake, awake

I know it's too late, I know where it's left
And now I see space in the bed that we slept
There's no way to change
It's been a short while
The only way up is accepting your smile

I get it, I've messed up, you pushed it, I fell off
You'll always be better in your own eyes
I get it, I've messed up, you pushed it, I fell off
You'll always be better in your own eyes

Goodbye my friend
It's been too long
I know you've been away
Too much was said
Too much was done
And now I'm wide awake
Awake, awake, awake, awake

Awake, awake, awake, awake
Awake, awake, awake, awake
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