Music Detail

Céline Dion - There Comes a Time (Pseudo Video) was added to the Free2Music database on December 16, 2018. Published the day it was watched 793 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Céline Dion

Lyrics Title

There Comes A Time




Pop Rock


Let me be your soldier
I'll stand up for you
When your world comes crashing down
I'll be the one to hold you
Let me be your soldier
I'll fight the fight for you
When you're up against the wall
I will pull you through

There comes a time
In everybody's life
When alone is not enough
To make things right
There comes a time
When we need to ask for help
When you're lost and just not strong enough
To make it through the night
When your love is on the frontline

Let me be your soldier
I'll take the pain for you
When no one else is on your side
I'll defend you
Let me be your soldier
I'll carry the cross for you
When you're down and on your knees
I'll protect you

There comes a time
In everybody's life
When alone is not enough
To make things right
There comes a time
When we need to ask for help
When we're lost and just not strong enough
To make it through the night
When your love is on the frontline
Let me be your soldier

There comes a time
In everybody's life
When alone is not enough
To make things right
There comes a time
When we need to ask for help
When we're lost and just not strong enough
To make it through the night
When your love is on the frontline
When your love is on the frontline
When your love is on the frontline

Let me be your soldier, I'll die for you
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