The Tech Thieves - Enough

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The Tech Thieves - Enough was added to the Free2Music database on December 18, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,050 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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The Tech Thieves

Lyrics Title







How did I fall for you?
All you do is bleed me dry
Yet you hold your head high, high, high
All that you put me through
Why do I love you?
Look me at my damn I, I, I
All the stories
And the lil pulse
Guess you found my heart, what in it now?
Throw another, of your eyeglass
Now you finding me, me, me in the dust
Now your hungry for the contra
Take the last to follow God
Cuz my heart has had enough
Cuz my heart has had enough
Dont get direction, Nobody think twice
Swimming in your lies, lies, lies
Now I've been serious
So why do I love you?
Look me at my damn I, I, I,
All the stories
And the lil pulse
Guess you found my heart, whats in it now?
Throw another of your eyeglass
Now you find me, me, me in the dust
Now your hungry for the contra
Take the last to follow God
Guess my heart has had enough
Guess my heart has had enough
My heart has had enough, Its not enough
My heart has had enough, enough, enough, enough
My heart has had enough, its not enough
My heart has had enough, enough, enough enough,
My heart has had enough, its not enough
My heart has had enough, enough, enough, enough
Guess my heart has had enough
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