Anda Adam - Say Goodbye

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Anda Adam - Say Goodbye was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 803 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Anda Adam

Lyrics Title

Say GoodBye




Dance Pop


You and I we were falling in love
Like the rain fall from above
Now it feels, I would cry in my sleep

There's more you and me

Keep the memories inside
Say goodbye
For you and I
Say goodbye
For you and I
Say goodbye
For you and I
In my mind it'll be forever
So let me go
So let me go

I miss you so

You and I we were falling in love
Like the rain fall from above
Now it feels, I would cry in my sleep
There's more you and me

Keep the memories inside
Say goodbye
Say goodbye
For you and I
Say goodbye
For you and I
In my mind it'll be forever
So let me go
So let me go
I miss you so
I miss you so
I miss you so
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