Ariana Grande - Borderline (feat. Missy Elliott) (Audio)

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Ariana Grande - Borderline (feat. Missy Elliott) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 18, 2018. Published the day it was watched 773 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ariana Grande



Lyrics Title

Borderline (feat. Missy Elliott)






Let's go!
Baby, I just want you to be mine
Won’t you give me a bit of your time? Oh, whoa
Chasin' you, no, I won't stop tryin’
Just meet me at the borderline (exclusive!)

You play hard-to-get
But I know you want me, too
Ain't out here looking for other dudes
So I'ma keep it tight for you

You know I'm the wifey type, babe
You know I be one of a kind, oh whoa
Once you tastin' my ice cream, I bet you won't ever leave
I know it's hard to believe
Boy, you got me all on my knees
(Light it up, though, light it up, though)
Quit playin' too hard for me
(Light it up, though, light it up, though)
Stop playing, too hard for me

Baby, I just want you to be mine
Won’t you give me a bit of your time? Oh, whoa
Chasin’ you, no, I won't stop tryin’
Just meet me at the borderline

Seems like I'm coming on strong
But I don't want this time to pass
I know you got a lot of chicks hollerin' at you
But I bet they cannot last

You know I’m the wifey type, babe
You know I be one of a kind, oh whoa (let's go)
Once you tastin' my ice cream, I bet you won't ever leave
I know it's hard to believe
Boy, you got me all on my knees
(Light it up, though, light it up, though)
Quit playin' too hard for me
(Light it up, though, light it up, though)
Stop playing, too hard for me

Baby, I just want you to be mine
Won't you give me a bit of your time? Oh, whoa
Chasin' you, no, I won't stop tryin'
Just meet me at the borderline

Uh, I'm like, you got me so on a chase
Got me feeling so out of place
Think 'bout you all of my days
Wish you'd chew on me like fresh grapes
Not tryna cuff you or crowd your space
I'm tryna find cute words just to say
"Dang, you fine, and look at that face"
At the borderline, beside me, you lay

Baby, I just want you to be mine
Won't you give me a bit of your time? Oh, whoa
Chasin' you, no, I won't stop tryin'
Just meet me at the borderline
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