Ariana Grande - Baby I (Lyric Video)

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Ariana Grande - Baby I (Lyric Video) was added to the Free2Music database on March 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 785 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ariana Grande


Yours Truly

Lyrics Title

Baby I






Baby I got love for thee
So deep inside of me, I don't know where to start
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)

Yeah Yeah
(yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
I love you more than anything
But the words can't even touch what's in my heart
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)
No No
(yeah yeah no no yeah yeah)

When I try to explain it, I'd be sounding insane
The words don't ever come out right
I get all tongue-tied and twisted,
I can't explain what I'm feeling
And I say, baby baby (Woah woah), baby

(Baby I) Ooh baby, oh baby, my baby
(Baby I) ooh baby, Baby I (Baby I)
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything, baby
But every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it
(Baby, baby, woah woah)

Baby I'm so down for you
No matter what you do (real talk),
I'll be around
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Yeah Yeah
(yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Oh Baby
See baby I've been feeling you
Before I even knew what feelings were about
(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Ooh baby
(yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

When I try to explain it, I'd be sounding all crazy
Words don't ever come out right
I get all tongue-tied and twisted,
I can't explain what I'm feeling
And I say, baby baby (Woah woah), baby

(Baby I) Oh baby, oh baby, my baby
(Baby I) ooh baby, Baby I (Baby I)
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything (baby)
But every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it
(Baby, baby, woah woah)
(Baby, baby, I)

Straight up, you got me
All in, got all of me
I sure hope you know (I sure hope you know)
If it's even possible
I love you more
Than the word "love" can say it.
It's better not explaining
That's why I keep saying

(Baby I) Oh baby, oh baby, my baby
(Baby I) ooh baby, Baby I (Baby I)
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby
But every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it
(Baby, baby, woah woah)
(Baby, baby)

(Baby I) Oh baby, oh baby, my baby
(Baby I) ooh baby, Baby I (Baby I)
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby
(But every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it)
(But every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it)
Every time I try to say it, words they only complicate it
(Baby, baby, woah woah)
(Baby, baby)
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