Ellie Goulding, Diplo, Swae Lee - Close To Me (Audio)

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Ellie Goulding, Diplo, Swae Lee - Close To Me (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 07, 2018. Published the day it was watched 632 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Ellie Goulding, Diplo & Swae Lee

Lyrics Title

Close to Me






Even though we both know we're liars and we start each other's fires
We just know that we'll be alright
Even though we're kicked out the party 'cause we both hate everybody
We're the ones they wanna be like

So don't let me down
Keep me in trouble
Born to be wild
Out in the jungle

And I don't wanna be somebody without your body
Close to me
And if it wasn't you, I wouldn't want anybody
Close to me (Yeah, yeah)
'Cause I'm an animal, animal-al
Like animal, like you
And I don't wanna be somebody without your body
Close to me (Woo)

You can never come too close for comfort
I had to cut my bitch off, she bein' stubborn (Stubborn)
I make it known I fuck with you, not undercover ('Cover)
And when I jump in, I'm burnin' rubber (Yeah, skrrt)
Iced out body, didn't go to college (Yeah, yeah)
Price tag poppin', then you on a private (Then you on a)
Don't say "Sorry," everyone's watchin' (Everyone)
When you're where I am, everything's timeless (Yeah, yeah)

And I don't wanna be somebody without your body
Close to me
And if it wasn't you, I wouldn't want anybody
Close to me (Yeah, yeah)
'Cause I'm an animal, animal-al
Like animal, like you
And I don't wanna be somebody without your body
Close to me (Yee)
Close to me

Close to me (Woo)

Animal, animal-al
Like animal, like you

And I don't wanna be somebody without your body (Yeah)
Close to me
And if it wasn't you, I wouldn't want anybody
Close to me (Yeah, yeah)
Because I'm an animal, animal-al
Like animal, like you
And I don't wanna be somebody without your body
Close to me
Close to me

(To me)
Close to me
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