Mariah Carey - If It's Over (From MTV Unplugged +3)

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Mariah Carey - If It's Over (From MTV Unplugged +3) was added to the Free2Music database on January 24, 2019. Published the day it was watched 723 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Mariah Carey


MTV Unplugged: Mariah Carey (Live)

Lyrics Title

If It's Over






Won't you talk to me?
This is so out of hand
Out of hand

Something's gone wrong
With the life that we planned

Won't you look at me?
You're avoiding my gaze
Yes, you are
And it seems like you've changed
In so many ways

It isn't fair, it isn't right
If it's really gone then tell me tonight
If it's over
If it's over
Let me go
(Just let me go)

Won't you speak to me?
I'm just here holding on
Holding on
'Cause, baby, I really don't need to wait around, oh no
If the feeling is gone

It isn't fair, it isn't right
If it's really gone then tell me tonight
Baby, yeah
If it's over
If it's over
Let me go
(Just let me go)

Don't you know
I don't need no apologies, no
I'm not looking for no sympathy
All I'm asking for is your honesty
Won't you give it to me
Give it to me now?

It isn't fair, it just isn't right
'Cause if it's really gone
You've got to say the words tonight, oh yeah
If it's over
If it's over
(Just let me know)
Won't you let me know?
Baby, if it's over
If it's over
Let me go
(Just let me go)
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