Music Detail

Alison Wonderland - Easy (Billon Remix / Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 20, 2018. Published the day it was watched 643 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alison Wonderland

Lyrics Title







Time feels slower inside of my head
Can I paint a picture of the world that I see instead?
And I know it's bullshit they say I'm not really that bad
But I think too much and I'm scared I'm never coming back, yeah

Walked into the bathroom just so I could cry
Wish I knew why, wish I knew why
Oh, baby, why don't you find someone easy?
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?
I know you're reaching out but I push you away
Maybe 'cause I'm vain, maybe 'cause I'm vain
Oh, baby, why don't you find someone easy?
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?

Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy

Easy, easy
Easy, easy
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?

Take some more pills, try to crack a smile
Thinking back to weekends that felt good
Yeah, it's been a while
But I try to scrape through and keep my head above the clouds
'Cause I know myself and I know this isn't who I am, yeah

Walked into the bathroom just so I could cry
Wish I knew why, wish I knew why
Oh, baby, why don't you find someone easy?
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?
I know you're reaching out but I push you away
Maybe 'cause I'm vain, maybe 'cause I'm vain
Oh, baby, why don't you find someone easy?
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?

Easy, easy, easy, easy
Easy, easy, easy, easy

Easy, easy
Easy, easy
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?
Baby, why don't you find someone easy?
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