Kygo - Stay (Atlantis Acoustic session video) ft. Maty Noyes

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Kygo - Stay (Atlantis Acoustic session video) ft. Maty Noyes was added to the Free2Music database on December 26, 2018. Published the day it was watched 998 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes

Lyrics Title





Electronic Pop Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Reggae Rock


Thought I could leave you cause I felt my heart numbing
It hits so deep, I closed my eyes and I just took off running
I turned around and saw the look on your face
So I stayed, stayed

But I don’t need you and you should know that, baby
It'd take a miracle for you to really try and change me
And I feel sorry for the look on your face
So I stayed, stayed

So I stayed, stayed
So I stayed, stayed

You wanna leave her, don’t wanna hurt nobody
I don’t believe a single word you say or that you’re sorry
Why can’t I say no to the look on your face?
I just stay, stay

So I stayed, stayed
So I stayed, stayed

You push me away, push me away
But I always stay, I always stay, yeah
You push me away, push me away
But I always stay, I always stay
But I always stay, I always stay, yeah
You push me away, push me away
But I always stay, I always stay, yeah
You push me away, push me away
But I always stay, I always stay
But will you, will you, will you?

So I stayed, stayed
So I stayed, stayed

I stay, I stay
Oh way, do I stay?
So I stayed, stayed
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