Natalia Barbu - Fight

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Natalia Barbu - Fight was added to the Free2Music database on December 25, 2018. Published the day it was watched 604 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Natalia Barbu

Lyrics Title







Never, never, never, never

Obsession, we hide in the back
And devotion's finding a way
When highness exists for those people who pray

Every day is like a start
Ups and downs, tears and laugh
We never stop, just fight

Never let nobody in
And step right on your dream
If you really wanna take this trip
Fighting anywhere we go
To face this cruel world
We gotta just fight forever

Believing, forfeiting the past
The onfall's adapting the hearts
each people will gnaw our wishes, no more

Every day is like a start
Ups and downs, tears and laugh
We never stop, just fight

Never let nobody in
And step right on your dream
If you really wanna take this trip
Fighting anywhere we go
To face this cruel world
We gotta just fight forever

Fighting anywhere we go
To face this cruel world
We gotta just fight forever
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