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Bebe Rexha - I Got You (Cheat Codes Remix) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 07, 2018. Published the day it was watched 663 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Bebe Rexha


I Got You: The Remixes - EP

Lyrics Title

I Got You (Cheat Codes Remix)






I can see you hurting
I've been through the same thing
Baby, don't you worry, I got you (I got you)
I just wanna know you
Tell me all your secrets
Lookin' like you need it

'Cause I got you
You, oh
You, I got you, I got you
'Cause I got you
You, oh
You, I got you, I got you

We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Tell you no lies, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get lost, oh, nah-nah-nah
Take it all off, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Give it to me all, oh, nah-nah-nah

'Cause I got you
'Cause I got you
(I got)

Tell me what you're thinkin'
Always overthinkin'
I just wanna love you, I got you (I got you)
Don't have to be so guarded
Let's finish what we started
It's all I ever wanted

'Cause I got you
You, oh
You, I got you, I got you

We can get high, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get low, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Tell you no lies, oh, nah-nah-nah
We can get lost, oh, nah-nah-nah
Take it all off, oh, nah-nah-nah
Let me be your friend
Baby, let me in
Give it to me all, oh, nah-nah-nah

'Cause I got you
'Cause I got you
(I got)

I'd do the time for you
Tell a lie for you
Yeah, baby, that's what I do
I'd walk the line for you
Take a shot for you
Yeah, baby, that's what I do
'Cause I got you
It's true
I'd die for you, I'd die for you
I got you

'Cause I got you
'Cause I got you
(I got)
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