Shaun Frank - Bon Appétit (feat. YA-LE)

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Shaun Frank - Bon Appétit (feat. YA-LE) was added to the Free2Music database on December 03, 2018. Published the day it was watched 788 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Shaun Frank

Lyrics Title

Bon Appétit (feat. YA-LE)




Electronic House


Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada

Cherry sundae
Let me treat you
You taste like summer
Whipped cream and fruit

We should try and see if you can vibe it with me
Got your body on my mind, drinks on the beach
Got these visions of us living wild on repeat

Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, boy, you got me dreamin'
Boy, you make me wanna sin
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Boy, you make me wanna sing

Tongue on my sweet tooth
Pour me some down
Come let me taste you
Boy, you got me so drunk

We should try and see if you can vibe it with me
Got your body on my mind, drinks on the beach
Got these visions of us living wild on repeat

Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, boy, you got me dreamin'
Boy, you make me wanna sin
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Boy, you make me wanna sing

We should try and see if you can vibe it with me
Got your body on my mind, drinks on the beach
Got these visions of us living wild on repeat

Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, boy, you got me dreamin'
Boy, you make me wanna sin
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, boy, you got me dreamin'
Boy, you make me wanna sin
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Bon appetit, bababababadada
Boy, you make me wanna sing

Bon appetit, bababababadada
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