Music Detail

Zara Larsson - Bad Boys (TODAY Remix) Lyric Video was added to the Free2Music database on December 09, 2018. Published the day it was watched 696 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zara Larsson

Lyrics Title

Bad Boys (Today Remix)




Electronic Pop


Ohhh Ohh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhhh Ohhhh
Ohhh Ohh Ohhh Ohhh Ohhhh Oh hhh

Ask me to stay and I'm not gonna leave
Don't make me wait with my heart on my sleeve
Cause I won't go 'less you want me to
I'd surrender it all for you

Friends turn to foes I don't know who to trust
You say I worry, I worry too much
But I can't help what I'm feeling now
I just want us to be somehow

I said there's something 'bout the bad boys
That makes the good girls
Fall in Love
I said there's something 'bout the bad boys
That makes the good girls
Fall in Love

Clear as a crystal or sharp as a knife
Words will be words 'til you bring them to life
Show the whole world that you're mine alone
Tell them girls to go find their own

I said there's something 'bout the bad boys
That makes the good girls
Fall in Love (and if you're no good for me)
I said there's something 'bout the bad boys
That makes the good girls
Fall in Love (and if you're no good for me)

Don't leave me stranded
(And if you're no good for me)
Don't lead me on
(And if you're no good for me)
I'd rather feel abandoned
(And if you're no good for me)
Then please be gone

I said there's something 'bout the bad boys
That makes the good girls
Fall in Love (and if you're no good for me)
I said there's something 'bout the bad boys
That makes the good girls
Fall in Love (and if you're no good for me)
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