Music Detail

Zara Larsson - Rooftop was added to the Free2Music database on December 09, 2018. Published the day it was watched 778 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zara Larsson


Uncover - EP

Lyrics Title







We could be soulmates
We could be so great
We could be happy

One day, someday
Or in a whole 'nother lifetime
Said the first time that we locked eyes, shit was crazy
And the second time just blew my mind, shit was crazy
Lately I don't know what I'm supposed to do
'Cause I got someone, and baby so do you
It was the third of September
We were hanging up on the roof
Was a hot, hot night
We were having a barbecue
When I said hi, you said hi
Baby that's when I knew
I just, I just ca-can't take my mind off you
It was a night to remember
We were hanging up on the roof
Someone got knocked out
And in came the boys in blue
And you said bye, 'n I said bye
Some of that made the news
I just, I just ca-can't take my mind off you
One night on the rooftop
One night on the rooftop, rooftop
One sight at the rooftop
At the rooftop, rooftop
Then the rain came
Something caught flame and it was crazy
And there were sirens and fire men, that shit was crazy
Baby, rushing down the stairs I see you go
It was the saddest thing that I will ever know
It was the third of September
We were hanging up on the roof
Was a hot, hot night
We were having a barbecue
When I said hi, you said hi
Baby that's when I knew
I just, I just ca-can't take my mind off you
It was a night to remember
We were hanging up on the roof
Someone got knocked out
And in came the boys in blue
And you said bye, 'n I said bye
Some of that made the news
I just, I just ca-can't take my mind off you
One night on the rooftop
One night on the rooftop, rooftop
One side at the rooftop
At the rooftop, rooftop
Sparks fly on the rooftop
Friends fight on the rooftop, rooftop
Bright lights on the rooftop
At the rooftop, rooftop
We could be soulmates
We could be so great
We could be happy
One day, someday
It was the third of September
We were hanging up on the roof
Was a hot, hot night
We were having a barbecue
And I said hi, you said hi
Baby that's when I knew
I just, I just ca-can't take my mind off you
It was a night to remember
We were hanging up on the roof
Someone got knocked out
And in came the boys in blue
And you said bye, 'n I said bye
Some of that made the news
I just, I just ca-can't take my mind of you (can't take my mind)
One night on the rooftop
One night on the rooftop, rooftop
One sight at the rooftop
At the rooftop, rooftop
Sparks fly on the rooftop
Friends fight on the rooftop, rooftop
Bright lights on the rooftop
At the rooftop, rooftop
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