Music Detail

Zara Larsson - So Good ft. Ty Dolla $ign was added to the Free2Music database on December 08, 2018. Published the day it was watched 774 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zara Larsson

Lyrics Title

So Good




Pop R&B


So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is
So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is

My love is more potent
Than anything in the cup that you're holdin'
One little taste will have you open
Aye, I know you want some, you want some
Too strong, no limits
It's not official, so take your time with it
It go straight to your head, control your mind with it
Aye, I know you want some, you want some

You know I'm the only one that gets you higher
Gets you higher, babe
And you ain't gotta worry 'cause you know I got it
Know I got it, babe

You be stuck on it 'cause my love so good
So you keep comin' back to get some more
Got you in your feelin's, all emotional
My love, my love
So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is
So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is...

My love ain't runnin' out
Got a endless supply, there'll never be a drought
I put you to sleep, you'll never leave the house
Aye, I know you want, know you want some

You know I'm the only one that gets you higher
Gets you higher, babe (high, babe)
And you ain't gotta worry 'cause you know I got it
Know I got it, babe (you be)

You be stuck on it 'cause my love so good
So you keep comin' back to get some more
Got you in your feelin's, all emotional
My love, my love
So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is
So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is

(Dolla, Dolla $ign)
Yeah, girl, your love so good, girl
Got me comin' back for seconds, what's good, girl?
Got me clearin' out my schedule, tryna link up
Girl, you know you 'bout to get that thang beat up
When I pull up, you know what I came for
Dolla lay the pipe, keep some dope D for you
Put your body straight to sleep
I got you wakin' up thankin' me

You be stuck on it 'cause my love so good
You got me stuck on that, your love so good
So you keep comin' back to get some more
Got you in your feelin's, all emotional (Oooh, yeah)
My love, my love (My love)
So good, so good, so good, so good (So good)
You know my love is (Yeah)
So good, so good, so good, so good
You know my love is
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