Luther Allison - Blues With a Feeling

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Luther Allison - Blues With a Feeling was added to the Free2Music database on December 09, 2018. Published the day it was watched 658 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Luther Allison


Standing At the Crossroad (Blues Reference (recorded in France 1977))

Lyrics Title

Blues With a Feeling






Blues with a feeling
That's what I have today

Blues with a feeling
Lord that's what I have today

I gotta find my baby
If it talkes me all night and day

I got blues at midnight
I got blues in the even too

I have blues at midnight
I have blues in the even too

I have thought all about you darling
Since the little girl you know I lost you
Mercy this morning

Love you early in the morning
I love you late at night
Something done got wrong with the mill
Tell her everything is all right

Blues with a feeling
Lord that's what I have today

I got to find my baby
If it takes me all night and day

Sometimes you do
Sometimes you will
I gotta find myself a grease can
To please plug the mill

Blues with a feeling
Lord that's what I got today

I got to find my baby
If it takes me all night and day
I got to find my woman you all

Can't sleep at night
I cannot through the day
I can't hold on much longer now
Living this way

Blues with a feeling
Ahh that's what I have today

I got to find my baby
If it takes me all night and day
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