Silly Fools - Stay Away

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Silly Fools - Stay Away was added to the Free2Music database on December 08, 2018. Published the day it was watched 546 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Silly Fools


Silly Fools

Lyrics Title

Stay Away




Rock Alternative


You hide behind your lies
Shallow eyes and hallow heart
Have to tear us apart

Your cover will be blown
And when they know what I know
The whole truth will be known
Heart of stone gone cold
My time for you has gone
Dont count to believe

Stay away from me
Stay away from me
Stay away from me
I don't wanna play your game

Stay away from me
Stay away from me
Stay away from me
I don't wanna hear your name

I don't wanna hear your name

Your words cut me so deep
Heard words you said about me
Lies on me as I sleep
Shadows that go to the sky
The first sight of sunrise
Will make the truth realize
To see behind your eyes
You push me to the side
To many like goodbye

Stay away from me
Stay away from me
Stay away from me
I don't wanna play your game

Stay away from me
Stay away from me
Stay away from me
I don't wanna hear your name

You have chosen to bury your lies
The time has come to say goodbye
No more lies
Truth will rise
And we will never be the same

Truth saver lies of the flow
The words you spoken
Filter of lies tells woven
Seeds that have and grown
This talking to my love

Stay away from me
Stay away from me
Stay away from me
I don't wanna play your game

Stay away from me
Stay away from me
Stay away from me
I don't wanna hear your name

I don't wanna play your game
I don't wanna hear your name
I don't wanna play your game
I don't wanna hear your name
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